
Thank you for checking out my blog! Stay connected!
~ Chilly

Let's GO!

My family and I have been in a long season of evaluation: processing, growing, healing, laughing, crying, praying, resting and refocusing. It hasn’t been easy but, WOW, we’re wiser and our love is stronger than ever! God has walked us through this journey each step of the way and we are so grateful!

One of the reasons for the vocational and geographical ‘delay’ in moving forward to something new, was our love and commitment to our sons. We wanted them to both be able to finish high school from the same place before we considered another move. High School is such a key time — plus, they’ve made enough ‘church & life adjustments’ — so we kept our promise to them and remained here (our youngest graduates in May).

We, then, pursued and found temporary hustles (Target, Uber, Speaking, Consulting) to help make ends meet. Super challenging but also rewarding!

On paper, we should not have been able to make it this far — but, God’s bigger & better — He sustained us! Ultimately, we feel like Elijah being cared for by ravens sent by God to the brook where he camped (click: 1 Kings 17). YOU may have been one of those ‘ravens’ - thank you.

So, NOW we’re ready to lift up our heads and see what God has on the horizon!

This week, while praying early in the morning, I felt God ask me, “What would you love to do next?” — the humble answer was “whatever you want, Lord, I’m saved to serve” but, then, I felt the Spirit pause and wait for me to open my heart, dream a little and actually answer His question… here was my response:


“Lord, I would love to serve as a ‘Samuel’ to a ‘David!’ (a mentor, a father and a friend)… in a church, in a ministry or even in a business.” Not sure of what you would call this role, perhaps a: Senior Associate? Chief of Staff? Corporate Chaplain? Ministries Pastor? — maybe something like one of these? Ultimately, what I’m called has never mattered to me…

“People don’t follow titles, they follow courage” William Wallace, Braveheart

And, I’m totally fine, in this next role, being in the shadows & serving as an intercessor, wise counsel, armor bearer, staff mentor & encouragement. I don’t need to preach or stand on a stage. However, I can if needed or desired.

I have 35 years of experience in all facets of generational ministry, nonprofit leadership & community impact.

I’m all yours Lord. I’ll do whatever you ask. I’m  confident that
whatever is on your list is better than what’s on mine.
  ~ chilly


So, yeah, that’s a page from my journal and quick glimpse into my conversation with God about my/our future. IF you or your church, ministry or business is looking for someone like me; please email me (click): and let me know. I’d be glad to have a conversation and share my resume. I’m open to whatever God wants. And, we’ll go wherever we’re needed. THANKS FOR READING, PRAYING & BELIEVING!

forever grateful, Chilly

